2001 Season – Diabolical Dynamics
Game Description: Four teams work together as one alliance to try to achieve as high a score as possible in each match. Points are scored by placing balls in their goal, and by positioning their robots and goals in designated areas at the end of each match. At the start of each match, the alliance station contains twenty small balls. In addition there are twenty small balls and four large balls on the far side of the field which may be used to score points. At the end of the two minute match, points are awarded as follows: the alliance will receive one point for each small ball in the goal and not in contact with a robot, and ten points for each large ball in the goal and not in contact with a robot. Each alliance will receive ten points for each robot that is in the End Zone. An additional ten points will be added if the stretcher is in the End Zone. The alliance doubles its score if the bridge is balanced. The alliance multiplies its score by a factor of up to three by ending the match before the two minute time limit. Each team receives the alliance score. A team multiplies its’ score by 1.1 if its large ball is on top of a goal. Scores are rounded up to the nearest whole point after applying all applicable multipliers.
Robot Description: Team 237’s robot was built on a 4 wheel drive system that was powered by single speed transmissions. This robot managed to take 2 very different forms between competitions. The first form had a 21-foot ramp that was mounted onto the drive base that would help our alliance partners get onto the bridge located on the field. After difficultly with this ramp design, it was cut down to 2 simple short arms that physical moved the bridge to assist our alliance partners.
- UTC/New England Regional
- National Championship